Daniel Hatting

Relentless Parent,Middle School Volleyball & Soccer

When I saw that there was an opportunity for my daughters to benefit from instruction and coaching on proper form, I was curious and hopeful. As a Dad though, I’m always a little nervous if I’m more excited or interested in something than my girls. 10/10 you guys rock and are amazing…along with Bri and Morgan (and Milo!) you have created an environment and culture that my girls love and anticipate eagerly going to. I’m sure they’ll get pushed harder and harder as they grow and get stronger, but just the happiness and joy I see when they know they’re going to a session or the sparkle as they share what they did … simply outstanding!! Thank you all so much and I look forward to seeing the progress the girls make over time. Just their happiness and excitement is worth sharing, and we didn’t have much time to speak today before I needed to leave.

Maggie Getz

Relentless Parent, High School Track & Field

My daughter, Irene Tulik, will be playing soccer and studying physical therapy at Arcadia University this Fall. We couldn’t be more grateful for all that Relentless has done to help her grow over that past 5 years into the person and the athlete she has become. On her first day back to Relentless after months of recovering from ACL surgery she was double and triple checking about the time of her work out because she said, “I’ve been looking forward to it all day!” The team at Relentless custom made her workout plan in close communication with her physical therapist to maximize and reinforce the benefits of both programs. Having attended Relentless for so many years I knew I could trust them to monitor her form and safety. I knew I could count on Relentless to build back her confidence and give her just the right amount of challenge focusing on science based training programs and measurable growth. Relentless went above and beyond in their communication with me, not only emailing and texting me about Irene’s progress in healing and strengthening, but also sending me videos of her accomplishments and personal records! Relentless is such a huge part of Irene's life. We are so grateful for all they do to support Irene physically, mentally, and emotionally. I truly would recommend Relentless to any and all female athletes!


Relentless Parent, High School Volleyball Athlete

Stella just got back from AAU National Junior Girls Volleyball Tournament and her team took first place in the 14U-Spirit Sapphire division. She worked hard all year for this! And her vertical was a game changer. Thank you!


Relentless Parent, High School Track & Field

Jayme and I would like to congratulate you and your Relentless team for your great work and positive influence with our daughter Emma. Emma finished indoor track with the 4th best throw in the state for freshmen. We don’t tell you this to brag on Emma, but instead to help you understand the positive effects of Relentless. -the grade school shot weighs 6 lbs -the high-school shot weighs 4 kilos or 8.8 lbs that’s a 47% increase in weight! -yet, Emma threw this much heavier hs shot as far the grade school shot just last June. Emma has become bigger, faster, has better footwork and body control and of course stronger in the short time she has worked with you and your team. Emma’s success is a direct reflection of the great job you do at Relentless. Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS!


Relentless Parent, Middle School Flag Football Athlete

Ava’s 12u flag football team (Athena Athletics) recently won the Commanders tournament in DC, which got them the bid to nationals. She is currently preparing for AFFL nationals in Florida and NFL Flag nationals in Las Vegas. She has seen progress in so many areas, but especially with her overall strength, her vertical jump and her speed. Recently she has been blitzing on defense and that speed is crucial. She got four sacks in one game at a recent tournament in Massachusetts. Thank you for supporting her and encouraging her week-after-week!


Relentless Parent, High School Softball Turned D1 Athlete

Reagan absolutely loves it. Emily and the staff not only do a great job of introducing these girls to the world of strength training, proper form and technique but also do an amazing job of helping them build self-esteem. She is not only getting stronger but her confidence has seemed to grow over the past few months. Whatever it is you guys are doing, please keep it up!!


Relentless Parent, High School Softball Athlete

Madison just loves this program! She just hit another OTF homer last week to end the varsity game. Her confidence and power is so much better by this training


Relentless Parent, High School Basketball Athlete

She was the player of the week for her team last week. She’s playing extremely strong down low and I attribute that to her success with her training. Thanks for helping her with it."


Relentless Parent, Middle School Softball Athlete

Olivia is absolutely loving her time at Relentless. She can see and feel herself getting stronger - and as her parent I can see the strength and confidence she's gaining on the softball field. Since starting training with you guys, she has pitched her first 7 inning perfect game, improved her batting average and led her team to be runners up in the 14u state championship by pitching almost every inning of 10 games - including 6 games in 4 days. I am not sure she would have been able to do that without the added strength and stamina from training with you guys. A number of her teammates have been asking about Relentless because she speaks so positively of her experience with you all.


North Penn High School, Head Softball Coach

I have been so impressed with Amanda and how she has improved in her softball skills and it has to do with her working out with you. Her power, endurance and speed has increased from her freshman year to the present in ways I can not put into words. I am looking forward to see the improvement with Carley who I am counting on to be a starter next season. I am now trying to get more of the team to contact you and go to your gym. All I can say is that I am so grateful to you in helping these young ladies increase their chances of having awesome years at North Penn. Your team helped us win a state championship so I will keep pushing more athletes to join your team!


Relentless Parent, High School Track & Field Athlete

Maddie hit a major PR yesterday in long jump hitting 19-2 1/4, another PR in the 100m with 12.53 at leagues and last week in triple hit 36-9 after not jumping this event in 2 years. The difference the lifting has done to help her hit these is evident so thank you for tailoring her programs to help her increase her power &! explosiveness!"


Relentless Parent, Middle School Soccer Athlete

First of all I have to tell you that Addie literally skips into the gym and skips out. Her favorite days are her gym days. I know physically she is getting stronger, I can see it, but you guys are doing something so wonderful for her emotionally to you and it is beautiful!! We have noticed a boost in her confidence on the field. We can see her growing physically stronger especially defensively when she is using her body to shield the ball. She made the basketball team after some tough tryouts with a lot of new talent so we are excited what this season will bring her!


Relentless Parent, Middle School Soccer Athlete

Emily grew very fast! She was an average sized kid until she was about 10 years old. She shot up to over 5 feet in what seemed to be overnight. Now, at 12 years old she is 5'6" with a solid-looking build. People expected her to be a strong threat on the soccer field but, in reality, she was awkward and slow. She was actually moving backwards as her teamates were all improving. It was frustrating and heartbreaking for her. Her bones grew but her muscles just weren't quite there yet. Since joining relentless she has made so much progress! She is stronger and more effective on the field. She is still working on speed but her endurance has improved greatly. My favorite improvement is in her confidence! Emily now carries her head high no matter the result on the field. She feels like a solid contributer on her team and she knows her hard work is paying off. The environment at relentless for girls is second to none. She never leaves with anything but a smile on her face. We can't wait to see what's ahead for her


Relentless Parent, Middle School Dancer

So I just needed to share how STRONG Sophie looked yesterday at her first performance of the season!! She’s solid in sooo many of her moves and some of the stability work would not be possible without her strength….and she said to me, “Mom, Relentless has helped so much!"


Relentless Parent, High School Thrower

After her first day, Talula walked out with the biggest smile on her face, and AS SOON as she got in the car, she said, “Mom, that was the most fun training that I have ever had.” She’s hooked!


Relentless Parent, High School Basketball turned D1 Athlete

My daughter Maddie looks great and is playing well. While away on a tournament, Relentless coaches helped make sure Maddie got her training completed the hotel gym! I really love how the coaches keep on top of the girls to make sure they are sticking to building a habit with training. It is definitely working as several of the parents that know Maddie have commented on how physically good and strong she looks! I am appreciative of the effort and focus Relentless coaches are able to provide!


Relentless Parent, High School Soccer Athlete

I wanted to say thank you to all of you involved in developing Kila’s strength and fitness over the years. I wanted to share this article from yesterday’s high school soccer game at Souderton which shows the results of all your efforts. Kila killed it with three goals in first half (natural hattrick) ---and probably could have had some more… Now we know the competition will get tougher in the weeks ahead, but certainly this is a great start. We are proud of her and know it is a team effort with high school athletes keeping them healthy and strong. Whether she plays in college or not is her decision, but certainly we are looking forward to her high school season with pride. https://suburbanonesports.com/article/content/sol-girls-soccer-wrap-8-29-23-00108212